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Scholar and research individuals contribute in building an empowered nation. In the present time, power and advancement of a nation are measured on the basis of the research and development sector of the country. Scientific advancement helps one to get an upper hand from their rivals. Not only countries higher authorities but also the business world runs on the basis of continuous advancement of the research and development in their domains. This blog will let one find out the cautions prior to writing a research article. 

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What should be kept in mind while writing a research paper or article?

  • Search well for the research topic - One should search well for the topic they are going to do research. In depth knowledge of the subject or research area presents better results. As it shows how seriously meticulously it has been prepared.  
  • Read previously published work related to domain - previously published research articles or papers can be helpful in knowing past as well as current information and updates in the field. A research scholar needs to read about 10-20 papers related to their research domain before writing the research paper. It helps in understanding the need of the research.
  • Search for methods/ techniques/ tools - One should search well for the verified methods and tools that can be useful for the research project. Application of techniques and patterns for getting desired outcomes enhances the credibility of the research work.
  • Elaborate result section - One should use tables, figures, images, charts, etc. to discuss and elaborate the result section. It will enhance the readership of the article and also make it visually impactful. 
  • Conclusion - Summarize the extract of overall research also discuss the positive and negative effects and provide a way ahead for further research.  
  • References - Adding references shows that the sources used in the research paper will help others in finding the correct data and avoid the duplicacy of the content. Giving credit to the authoritative one; does the good thing to the authors by not putting themselves in a plagiarism group. It helps readers in finding the source of information which makes it reliable and credible among research scholars. 

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