Name: | Gabriel Julien |
Designation: | Lecturer |
Department: | Humanities |
Research Area: | 868 |
Organization: | UWI St Augustine, Open Campus |
Contact: | Contact Reviewer |
Qualification: | PhD |
About: | Gabriel Julien Ph.D. is a Graduate Research Supervisor, Second Examiner, Course Developer, and Course Developer with the University of the West Indies, Open Campus. He is also an associate editor for the Turkish International Journal of Special Education and Guidance & Counseling, the International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, the International Journal of Literacy and Education, the United Journal of Behaviour and Psychology, the Journal of Gender Studies, the Journal of Social Sciences Research, the American Research Journal of English and Literature, and the International Journal of English and Literature. He referees papers for The American Research Journal of English and Literature, The International Journal of English and Literature, the United Journal of Behaviour and Psychology, the Journal of Gender Studies, the South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics, the Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies, and Common Ground Research Networks. In addition, he has published twenty-one papers in the American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, in Learning, The International Journal of Learning, The International Journal of Literacies, Community Work and Family, and Illinois Child Welfares and has presented three of them at an International Learning Conference at the University in Barcelona, the University of Hong Kong and the University of London. He has done extensive action research among street children in Trinidad and Tobago and in Latin America. Today, he continues to work assiduously among street children and youths in both rural and urban areas of the country. His area of research includes Special and Inclusive Education, Educational Research, Guidance, and Counselling. |
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