


Dr. Harshit Bhavsar

Assistant Professor Department: Mechanical engineering Certificate Views : 231 Followers : 0

Name: Dr. Harshit Bhavsar
Designation: Assistant Professor
Department: Mechanical engineering
Research Area: Solar Thermal Engineering/ fluid mechanics/ heat transfer
Organization: SAL College of Engineering
Contact: Contact Reviewer
Qualification: PhD
About: Mr.Harshit Prakashbhai Bhavsar is Presently Working as Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering Department at SAL Education Campus Ahmedabad. Having 14 Years of Teaching Experince. He has completed Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering from Saurashtra University, India, and M.Tech Degree from R.G.P.V University, MP, India. He Has Completed Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from R.K.University. He joined in Teaching Profession in 2009 as a Lecturer at K.P.Thakkar Institute of Technology viramgam, and then worked at ATUL Polytechnic as a Head of Dept., and University Exam Coordinator. Currenty Working as Asssistant Professsor & Trainer at SAL Institute of technology & Engineering Research. He has Published 20+ Research Papers in National-International conferences and Journals. He has also authored the text Book of Renewable Energy Engineering and Fluid Mechanics. Attended morethan 50 Faculty Developemnt Programs and Workshops. Working as Faculty of Design Engineering at Institute which can help the students to develop Innovative Products for society and Industries. Mentored the various team in Hackathon on Design & Problem solving. He is also a member of the Expert Panel & Organizing Committee in the International Conference at Gujarat Technological University.Invited as a Member of Scientific and Advisory Committee in various International Conferences.Member of Editorial and Reviewer in 15+ Reputed National / International Journals. He is a Lifetime Member of ISTE, Delhi, InSc Bangalore, IFERP, ISHRAE and VIGYAN GURJARI. Certified Trainer From the Erasmus+ Program of European Union. Working with Erasmus+ CABCIN Program of the European Union to improve the skills in Higher Education. As a CABCIN Trainer, he has Delivered training Sessions to teachers to improve Activity-based learning. He is also a member of the Expert Panel & Organizing Committee in the International Conference at Gujarat Technological Univ

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