
ABCD Index Prime Membership

List of Journals / Conference
Connect to Reviewer Community
Reviewer Certificate
Chapter Page Posting
Submit Journal / Conference
Membership Certificate
Editorial Board Member
Conference Organizer Tool
Paid Journal Subscription
Conference Discount
Election Voting

Life Time Prime Membership: 25 USD: Pay Now

Prime Membership Benefits


Membership Certificate

Each member get digital membership certificate, with badge on profile.


Funds (Conference/Project/Seminar/Grants)

•           Submitted application will be review.

•           Active members and genuine work have high chance to get funds.

•           Funds range from 200 to 5000 USD as per application.

•           Member can apply for funds after generating 50 credits and 6 months of joining.

•           Member’s contribution increase the strength of chapter, so credits generate as per shown in table 1.


Credits (Journal / Conference / Posting / Tie-ups)

•           ABCD Index provides virtual credits to members as an appreciation for review process.

Table 1. Generate credits.

Contribution from Member


Review Journal

1 / Month

Conference Listing

1 / Conference

Chapter Posting

1 / Post

Laboratory Tie-ups with ABCD Index

8 / Lab

Conference Tie-ups with ABCD Index

20 / Conference

Journal Tie-ups with ABCD Index

10 / Journal

Attend online Event, Lecture, Meeting

1 / Attendance


5 / Year

Connect Social Media Pages

3 / Year


1 / 25 Follower



•           This help in community bonding, building relation, etc.

•           Each member is assured with this feature of membership.

•           Get Symposiums invitation After 6 month of prime membership.

•           ABCD Index will organize this Symposiums for member's to meet offline at one place.

•           Events have some display for members to showcase work.

•           Conduct some online/offline competitions.

•           Awards will be provided to winners of different competitions.


Editorial Board Member

•           As per publisher demand of researcher’s profile, ABCD Index suggest profiles for selection of editorial board member.

•           ABCD Index assured to provide minimum one Journal Editorial Board Member position in 2 Years.


Conference Organizer Tool

•           Systematic software for conference management.

•           Each member have premium access of this tool.

•         Dedicate team to increase conference reach and success.


Paid Journal Subscription (ABCD Index is still working on it)

•           Get paid access of selected journals.

•           Member’s will get discount in purchase of journal subscription.


Conference Discount

•           Member's will get discount in conferences organize by ABCD Index.

•           Discounts depends on conference organizer, so it ranges 10% to 50% of registration.


Election Voting

•           Members can apply for higher position in chapter by participating in election.

•           Members can vote in election.

•           Get details of chapter hierarchy at

•           Get details of member power at



*Prime Membership: Only for people who have minimum master’s qualification in any discipline.

* Reviewer Certificate: People who have good set of publication and Doctorate degree is eligible.

* Funds: Prime members can apply after generating 50 credits and 6 months of joining.

* Reviewer Credits: Review of journal, conference, project, etc. will add appreciation credits. These credits helps to apply for fund amount.

* Awards: ABCD Index will conduct some event and distribute awards in different categories.

* Tour Fund: Each member will have assured tour fund within country.


Common Membership Benefits (Free/Prime)

Verified Profile Page:   

•           Each member get a profile page with verified membership sign (M).

•           Provides SEO friendly profile page to increase the reach of research publication.

•           Member queries will be response with responsibility.

•           Block Chain: Profile data is secured by the block chain technology. Helps to proof the journal indexing, in a particular duration.


List of Journal / Conference

•           Get a list of journals with indexing and other related details, as per the member's research area.

•           Resolves queries of journal/conference.

•           Get a list of conferences as per the member's research area.


Connect to Reviewer Community:

•           Similar minds people resolve various problems of each other. Hence platform yearly conducts gathering of same research domain people.

•           Sharing of contact details (Email) as per the permission of member.

•           Find answers of research/academic related query between members.


Reviewer Certificate:

•           Member's have a PhD degree is eligible to get the profile of reviewer. But they need to showcase their research contribution in form of publication or books to get reviewer certificate.

•           Certified profile, helps journal editors to get relevant people for paper review/ editorial member.


Chapter Page Posting

•           Informing correct information is primary objective of this portal, hence this option is available for all set of registered scholars/reviewers/members.

•           Each submitted information is transfer to relevant field members to verify and judge content.

•           Chapter posting helps young scholars to get correct information about sponsorship, courses, Labs, Funding, etc.


Submit Journal / Conference

•           Any register scholar, member, reviewer can fill details of journal / conference to get indexed/listed at the portal.

•           Submitted journal/conference is review by relevant field members.

•           This helps many good journals publishers, who are not getting good indexing or reach.


Members contribute by providing information about conference/journal/projects/funds, etc on a portal for the welfare of academic and research work globally. Active members will be promoted to become Senior Members, then elected member become chairperson of Chapter, Department, Cluster and Region.

Life Time Prime Membership: 25 USD: Pay Now