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International Conference On Sustainable Energy And Future Electric Transportation (SEFET)

Mode: Offline Conference Date: 2024-07-31 Views : 147

Institute: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology (GRIET)
Mode: Offline
Start Date: 2024-07-31
End Date: 2024-08-03
Coordinator: Dr. B. Phaneendra Babu Professor, EEE Department, GRIET +91-9873630937
Paid/Free: Paid
Call for Papers Power Electronic Systems and Energy Efficient Drives in Electric Transportation (Land, Air, Sea, and subsea applications) Modelling and Control of Sustainable Energy and Transportation Systems Plug-in and Wireless Charging Systems and Infrastructure Energy Storage Technologies and management systems for smart grid and electric transportation Integration of Renewable Energy Systems for Micro grids/ Smart Grids Power System Protection, Operation & Control and Energy Management AI, ML,data analytics and Cyber Security and IOT Applications to Sustainable Energy and Electric Transportation

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