ABCD-Index Chapter
Region: INDIA

Organization Of International And National Seminars / Conferences In India

Scholarship/ Sponsorship

Last Date 28-06-2025

Organization of International and National Seminars / Conferences in India

Sponsoring Seminars/Conferences in India is a major strategy of ICSSR to promote social science subjects. They provide opportunities toresearchers and academicians to exchange views and opinions, address and debate research questions on policy relevant issues and generate academic research output on important social problems. While the Council itself organises a few seminars, most of its support is responsive in nature where partial financial assistance is provided to academic institutions for organising national and international seminars in all social science subjects.


1. National Seminar

2.  International Conference

3.Collaborative Seminar


2.1 The organizing institution, to which the grant shall be released, should be from either from ICSSR research institute/institution of national importance as defined by the HRD Ministry/ University/deemed university/college recognized by the UGC. And Social Science Associations who fulfils the conditions such as (a) proper registration, (b) audited statement of accounts for last three years, and (c) life membership of minimum 100.

2.2 Regular faculty members having a Ph.D degree can apply as Convener/Co-Convener of the seminar/conference. Ph D/PDF scholars are not eligible to apply as Convener/Co-Convener. However, they can be permitted to be part of the organizing committee.

2.3 An individual applicant who had been given grant to organize National/International Seminars can apply only after a gap of one financial year.


1. National Seminar: Maximum upto Rs. 5 lakhs

2. International Conference: Upto Rs.10 Lakhs.

3. Collaborative Seminar: Rs. 5 to 10 Lakhs

The actual sanctioned amount will, however, depend on the quality of the proposal, importance of the theme, seminar location and number of participants as decided by the Expert Committee.


The grant will be released in two instalments. The 1st Instalment of 75 percent will be released after the award of the proposal and receipt of the Grant-in-Aid Bill. The 2nd and final instalment of 25 percent will be released upon receipt of seminar/conference proceedings (2 hard bound copies) along with audited Statement of Accounts and Utilization Certificate in GFR 12 A form.


10.1 The forwarding institution, through which ICSSR grant will be administered, has to provide, an undertaking to administer and manage the grant, as per the ICSSR terms and conditions and provide logistical support for the execution of the grant under the format given in the approval/sanction letter.

10.2 The institution should ensure that the convener of the seminar submits a detailed report within sixty days after the Seminar/Conference.

Apply under IMPRESS Scheme: Guidelines | Application form

Inviting Applications for Organizing Seminars/Workshops to Celebrate ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’


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