ABCD-Index Chapter


Funding / Fellowship

Last Date 10-02-2030

We are launching a new grants programme in 2024.

It will:Support areas of ecology where it is currently difficult to gain funding.

Promote collaboration between disciplines, sectors and career stages.

Broaden our support for ecologists in low- and lower-middle-income countries in the Global South.

This follows a review of our existing grants which were set up almost 10 years ago. The landscape and focus on ecology has changed during this time, and we wanted to ensure our grants meet the needs of the global community of ecologists and align with the Society’s values and strategy.

Our existing grants will continue in their current form until the end of 2023. Each year we provide around £400,000 in support to ecologists around the world

The major changes we will be implementing for 2024 are

  • Introducing four new grants to bolster innovative research in underfunded areas. 
  • Combining our existing outreach and science communication funding options into one ‘Outreach and Engagement’ grant. 
  • Retaining our support for researchers in the Global South by ring-fencing funding across our grant schemes. We will bring our ‘Ecologists in Africa’ grant to a close, and instead award the same proportion of funding to applicants from across the Global South. See below for more details.
  • Retiring our ‘Large Research’ grants to provide a broader range of awards to more individuals through the rest of our grant programme. 
  • Our ‘Small Research’ and ‘Training and Travel’ grants will remain the same. 
  • In Autumn 2022, we will run a feedback process inviting ecologists to comment on the design of the grants and ensure they are set up well. 

Broadening our Ecologists in Africa grant

Our Ecologists in Africa grant will be extended from 2024 to encompass the Global South as a whole.The support offered will no longer be through a separate grant scheme. Instead, ecologists in low and lower-middle income countries will be able to apply to any of our grant schemes, knowing that the same proportion of our funds has been ring-fenced as was previously available through the Ecologists in Africa grant.

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