As a part of the October 2022-23 Budget, the NIAA has been allocated $190 million over four years (2022-23 to 2025-26), to support Community Sector Organisations (CSOs) already receiving an Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) grant for an eligible activity. The purpose of this funding is to support these organisations at need of funding supplementation due to additional staff wages pressures and high inflations rates.
Funding amounts and the length of grant agreements available to each eligible CSO will be based on:
§ the duration of existing IAS funding agreements for eligible grant activities
§ a percentage of the current IAS funding granted to each eligible CSO for each eligible grant activity
§ the location of service delivery for each eligible grant activity, noting that eligible grant activities delivered in remote and very remote areas may receive a higher percentage of supplementation funding
The NIAA expects to conduct annual grant rounds under this grant opportunity to allow the NIAA to refresh its list of eligible organisations and eligible grant activities, and to reflect emerging economic circumstances in its funding calculations. The NIAA may conduct additional, smaller-scale rounds if these are required.
An organisation is an eligible CSO for this grant opportunity if:
§ it is a not-for-profit organisation, and
§ it is affected by Fair Work Commission’s minimum wage decision and/or higher inflation outcomes, and
§ it delivers an eligible grant activity, which is an the activity funded through the IAS administered by the NIAA, and:
§ the activity was current on 31 October 2022 – meaning it was the subject of an executed grant agreement on 31 October 2022 to deliver services at any time during 2022-23, 2023-24, 2024-25, or 2025-26.and
the activity is directly linked to community service delivery.
Grant Activity Timeframe:
The earliest start date of this grant activity is 23 May 2023.
Instructions for Application Submission:
Eligible CSOs are not required to submit an application or provide any additional information to be considered for a grant under this grant opportunity.
Only eligible CSOs who deliver an eligible grant activity (as defined in section 4.1 of the Grant Opportunity Guidelines) and as determined by the NIAA, will be considered for funding under this grant opportunity. If the NIAA requires additional information to assess your organisation’s eligibility, we will request this information from you in writing.