Some Interesting Facts regarding web of science journals
These days many researchers are in search of The web of science journals and why not it is one of the reputed indexing journals with a large database and deal with several subjects such as humanities, arts, social science, science, and many more. ABCD INDEX will like to guide some of the important parameters that such a web of science allows to index any of the journals.
web of science journal list is under following headings with quality search option:
ESCI Journal List 2022
Many of scholars are doing a lot of work but due to a lack of journal information, they lose good papers in the low-quality journal.
Web of science journals- Indexing process
The web of science has nearly 24 criteria of quality that it looks like in any particular journal to get it indexed. These include
The evaluation process of the web of science after the journal has completed the above criteria are-
Initial Stage: In this stage the web of science the publication practices of any journal-like peer-review, ISSN, etc.
Editorial Stage: it checks the quality of work that the journal publishes and are they matched with the bibliographic requirement of the web of science.
Final evaluation: In this stage, the web of science checks the impact factor of the journal. So in case you are planning to get your journal indexed in the web of science journals, follow the above procedure you will surely get success.
Tips for Researchers:
If a researcher wants to publish their work in any web of science journals, he should try to submit his best work so that these journals can readily accept your paper and publish them. Quality of your work can be increased by-
Usage of Computer is a Must:
It is obvious to use the right and updated software while writing your research paper. You have to learn all the functionality of the software as well to reduce the risk of losing your data. The computer is also necessary as you can store the sources or references that you are taking for completing your paperwork. Remember to make a back-up copy of your work and store it into a separate drive in case you accidentally lose any data.
Put genuine effort:
You have to put your complete effort to explain to the readers what this research is all about. Try to make the introduction clear and include every important information that you would like to give to your audience. Web of science journals usually believes in how well a researcher has explained his work in the introduction section. You have to also use excellent writing skills so that your work is seen as clear and concise.