
Scopus Indexed Indian Medical Journals



Scopus Indexed Indian Medical Journals

The field of medical science is growing day by day through its research, findings, execution, implementation etc. this field is most prestigious and respected by all people around the globe. A doctor, scientist, specialist, subspecialist or other medical personalities often face a lack of time throughout their work. Most of the time, they are busy treating patients, conducting surgeries, visiting patients or doing research in some sort of diseases that are impacting the life of human beings and other things related to the medical world.

Due to all of this, they won’t have much time to take tabs or be updated by the ongoing findings. But as you know scientists and doctors are working for the welfare of the society and human beings so being aware of the latest researches, developments and findings will help them in performing better jobs. To resolve this issue they can move towards journals and databases which collect all databases related to medical research and findings in their field.

Journals in medical fields need to pay extra attention to the contents, methods and their outcomes because the medical field carries responsibility for an individual's health. Researches in this area have to be peer reviewed by the experts in the field so that only authentic research papers and articles would be available to readers.

The quality of journals depends on several aspects like, no. of citations, impact factor, issues per year, volumes till now, indices etc. indexing journals on many platforms will contribute to it.

In the world of internet there are many platforms which provide a list of Indian medical journals listed or indexed on Scopus indexing platform’s list of journals. One can directly go to scopus website and find journals by searching but they won’t provide you specifically journals related to one’s area. Here we introduce you with both the methods to find journals as per your preference.

One can directly visit the scopus website to find Indian medical journal by following steps given below :

1. Go to Scopus official website.

2. Locate the search bar on the homepage of the website.

3. Insert keyword or whatever you are looking for. i.e. type Indian medical journal then click on the search button.

4. The default list of journals will be on your computer’s screen.

One can find Scopus Indexed Indian medical journals by following the points given in the segment below :

1. go to abce index website.

2. Type your field or department in the search bar for finding related journals to one's fields.

3. Click on the search button.

4. Go to the filter section and select scopus from the index list.

5. A list of scopus indexed journals / papers / articles will be shown on your computer screen.

 The information provided here will help individuals to get what they are looking for. One can also find other sources of information to get more knowledge in the field.

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