Journals publish papers in every field either science, engineering, art, or even literature, but out of that identification of good index, the journal is tough. So scholars who are willing to find the Scopus indexed Indian journals in english literature need to follow some of the steps detailed below:
India Journals that are indexed by Scopus in field of English literature are listed below:
Journal Accept English Language Article
Scopus Index Journals in English Literature
Apart from the above-indexed journals some of the other journals are present that are indexed in other good indexing portals like Web of Science, and UGC-CARE. I suggest scholars to check those as well. Few journals are really doing good publication, so getting such journals enhances the carrier of scholars. As per such indexing list of such journals are
UGC approved English literature journals
Web of Science Indexed Journals of Literature
Scholars who are looking for citations can apply for journals that are indexed at the ABCD portal as those journal papers are indexed by the ABCD portal with a variety of filters free of cost to increase the reach of the paper. Such journal contents are indexed by the ABCD portal as per journal permission to ABCD portal viewers. Apart from this English literature conferences are also very common places to publish content as few of those conferences publish content on Scopus journal. This conference-based journal publication is an indirect way of paper publication, this takes less effort for the authors.