A large number of journal publishers maintain an online portal to increase the reach of research content globally. As per journal work, the type of content indexing was done by various agencies like Web of Science, Scopus, NAAS, UGC-Care, etc. Some universities and colleges bound their scholars to publish content in such good journals. Some of journals are free and some are paid journals. This attracts many unethical people to develop dummy/fake/clone websites that publish content and charge researchers as per the type of indexing they target. So ABCD Index portal list out such set of journals that have been cloned by people and misleading author content to wrong sites. Our motive is to aware scholars, mentors, professors, universities, colleges, researchers institutes of such kind of activity.
Fake / Clone / Dummy |
Title: BULLETIN MONUMENTAL JOURNAL ISSN: 0007-473X URL: http://bulletinmonumental.com/ |
Title: gis.Science - Die Zeitschrift fur Geoinformatik ISSN: 1869-9391 URL: http://gisscience.net/ |
Title: NOVYI MIR ISSN: 0130-7673 URL: novyimir.net |
Title: GEDRAG & ORGANISATIE ISSN: 0921-5077 URL: http://lemma-tijdschriften.com/ |
Title: Science Technology and Development Journal ISSN: 0950-0707 URL: http://journalstd.com/ It's a print journal (Discontinued in Scopus as well) |
Title: Journal of Xian University of Architecture and Technology ISSN: 1006-7930 URL: http://xajzkjdx.cn/ |
Title: Solid State Technology ISSN: 0038-111X URL: http://solidstatetechnology.us/index.php/JSST |
Title: Journal Of Huazhong University Of Science And Technology ISSN/PISSN:1671-4512 URL: http://hxstxxjns.asia/ |
Title: GIS.SCIENCE - DIE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GEOINFORMATIK ISSN/PISSN: 1869-9391 http://gisscience.net/ |
Title- Adalya Journal |
Title- Aegaeum Journal |
Title- Aut Aut Research Journal |
Title- Zeichen Journal |
Title- GIS Science Journal |
Title- Gorteria Journal |
Title- High Technology Letters |
Title- Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
Title- Innovations |
Title- Journal of Natural Remedies |
Title- Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University |
Title- Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology |
Title- Journal of Xidian University |
Title- Pensee |
Title- LINO |
Title- Paideuma Journal of Research |
Title- Proteus Journal |
Title- Seybold Report |
Title- Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology |
Title- Studia Rosenthaliana (Journal for the Study of Research) |
Title- Science and Engineering Journal |
Title- Strad Research |
Title- Waffen- und Kostuemkunde |
Title- The Journal of ZEPHYRUS |
Title- Aabru Journal |
Title- Adhigam - International Journal of Hindi Research |
Title- Akshargatha Journal |
Title- Alochana Chakra Journal |
Title- Ammanudi Journal |
Title- Aruhukuruhu Journal |
Title- Banaas Jan Journal |
I request all authors to crosscheck their paper publishing site before submitting papers to such fake journals. Our team regularly updates this list of journals by getting links from scholars or promotional activities. this platform provides a true list of journals with current indexing status as well. To know more about the journals people can contact us directly. If any of scholar has any update about the website of journal they can inform us we check such suspicious site and list in this index to aware other scholars.