Students and other individuals who aspire to become academic or research fellows seek assistance from various sites to find research paper publishing sites free. As there are plenty of sources that offer publication support on their websites still freshers hesitate to trust any random website due to high rates of cyber fraud. To resolve this, ABCD Index brought a Research publication solution platform called “RAMP”. Research article medium of publication or RAMP is a common platform for authors and publishers to find each other and accomplish the goal together. In the next segment,t simple steps to prepare a research paper are discussed.
Choose a topic – Selecting a research topic is the first step of research publication. If there is no research topic or idea then how can research be imagined? It is very important to have a clear thought about the research. one can take assistance from previous work done in interested field. Reading other's work will provide a basic understanding of the research and help in determining the potential areas for further research.
Conduct thorough research – The second step after the research topic selection is to collect data as per the need of the research. One can rely on academic or research articles published by peer-reviewed journals, database websites, article indexing platforms like ABCD Index, etc.
Format of the research paper – write an abstract of the paper. It should be precise and to the point. The abstract helps reviewers/editors/readers in deciding the relevancy of the research paper for continuity. When writing down the main body it should be covered under the following heads: introduction, research methodology, findings, conclusion, citations, etc.
Paper writing – after deciding the proforma of the research paper; write your thoughts on a paper. Do not hesitate or think about spelling mistakes, or grammatical errors. Just write down whatever comes to mind, later edit the content as per research requirement, and proofread 1-3 times before submitting to an international journal.
By following the above points one can easily prepare a promising research paper for good journal publication. Apart from that, to find effective academic or research solutions in different fields of research do visit Also, go through the RAMP platform for your upcoming publications.