
Low Cost Scopus Indexed Journals



Academicians and research individuals have to publish research articles in a particular field or the field related to their research areas to gain personal and professional advancement in their career. Apart from that many times scholars seeking opportunities in other countries search low cost scopus Index journals to publish their research articles.

The scopus indexed journals are in high demand in current scenario many publishers take this as an opportunity and increase the publication charges so scholars are not able to distinguish between a genuine or predatory journal. They just use Scopus or other well indexed journal names for their monetary purpose for gaining monetary benefits. 

Click Here- Scopus Journal Search

Due to high demand many scopers index journals charge hundreds of dollars to publish a research article in their platform. But there are some other journals as well that are indexed in Scopus list of journals that publish with minimum fees so scholars looking for low cost scopes index journals can publish their research work. Finding a credible site is not easy for a person who has not enough idea about the tech world. So to resolve this issue one can seek assistance from the ABCD Index portal. 

ABCD Index is an indexing platform that provides research and publication solutions to authors, researchers, academicians, institutes, etc . Anyone related to the academic recess field can rely on the ABCD index portal to find journals, conferences, fellowship scholarship, lab information, books and other updates in the current research world.

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ABCD Index Verified Journal List 

First of all go to and search for journals then add the research area into the search bar and click on search button. Next move to the filter section and add filters as per need or preference; like if you want to search a journal as per country then select country or add country name in the filter section then go to the next option which is free paid journals by default. At ABCD Index, both journals are shared but if one like to seek a paid or free journal they can use the filter to find the one. Apart from that one can also select journals as per the ranking of the journal’s categorized in A, B, C, and D category.

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