The human mind has curiosity to know about everything they see, connect or contact. This curiosity to know everything leads them to find, invent, discover new things which help them to do things more easily and make life easier for everyone around them. Research on various topics stimulates the urge to find more, know more and do things in a way that is differ from the existing one with the goal of finding most appropriate answers to their questions.
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Research sector is growing each day. Every nation values the research sector as it brings glory and positions a country on a good rank that attracts investors from around the world and makes them more reliable. Research scholars and academicians have to go through a lot while researching and after completion they look for platforms through which their research can reach the relevant audience. Main motive behind publication in an international journals with free publication charges is to make available the research findings to do further research, or can be used as reference by ohters. All of this can be possible through a platform which has access to a large number of people who are working in the same field. An international journal can be the gateway of success to researchers and academicians.
Why international journal for research publication:
Following are the reasons why one should go for international journals with free publication charges to publish their research work:
Open access – At present almost all international journals provide an open access system for the published database. This helps individuals in finding and accessing relevant research work freely any time, anywhere around the world which ensures reach of the research work to the scholars across the borders and encourages continuous research with no barriers.
Community – International journals have their own communities where people belonging to the same research field can form a group to share knowledge, ideas, and discuss topics relevant to the research area with the other community members. This type of interaction helps them in finding valuable solutions and contact the expert in the field to get advice or guidance to do better in their work.
Free resources – Journals communities have different people from around the world. Where they share resources, information about required materials, tools, labs, libraries etc.
DOI – Digital object identifier makes online research papers, articles or other digital documents available with a unique id that helps scholars and other individuals in finding the database related to their research.
International identity - Some international journals provide free profiling at their portal for academic and research individuals. Where they can share their research work and findings with others in the field. Also one can cease many opportunities for them by activating a live international profile.