Students pursuing masters, phd scholars and other academicians who recently entered in the research field and just completed their first research seeks platforms where they can gather all the information about the publishing. All they want is to show their work to other people in the field. They ask questions related to publications and other things from their mentors or seniors where they can expose themselves to the wider audience.
Find Conferences as Per Research Areas
Students from technical fields who are about to publish their research and looking for conferences to publish their papers are most of the time advised by their mentors to publish their work in IEEE conferences. This not only gives them a good exposure to the research world but also provides a learning platform where one learns from experts in the field. So its highly recommended to newcomers to present their first paper in any IEEE conference and get a new high in their career.
International Conference Paper Presentation Tips
Scholars who are going to present their research paper for the first time need to prepare themselves earlier so that mistakes can be avoided or reduced and they can present / publish the paper with confidence.
To do so they seek assistance from various platforms that will help them in preparing their research paper as per the standard of IEEE conferences. As they are going to present their work for the first time some type of hesitation and nervousness is obvious for anybody whos going to present their hard work in front of experts of the field. This blog will help individuals who are in need of guidance in IEEE conference paper submission.
How To Attend International Conferences For Free
Points to be kept in mind while aiming for IEEE conference paper submission are as follows:
Check the authenticity of the platform - if one is new to its field then its obvious to have some doubt ( whether it's true or fake via official Ieee website, or abcd index website, or directly ask abcd about your queries.
Follow the IEEE format - Generally its called a two column format. So before submission of the paper one has to keep the format of the IEEE in mind and prepare the file as per the information provided on the format.
Prepare an abstract - Normally the IEEE conference paper submission process begins with the abstract submission. If the abstract is clear and likable then the reviewers will ask for the full length paper. So make an abstract of research informative so that it can filter easily for the next level of review.
Publication fees - Make sure to be aware of the fees first and prepare for it in advance because after the paper selection one has to pay the fees for the publication.
Make a PPT - The organizing team would notify soon After the paper selection whether the research paper is only in proceeding or get presentation as well. If it gets selected for presentation then one has to prepare a ppt for it. It is 10 min presentation of the research work done by the participant.
Awards - In conferences individuals get awards as per their performance.
After preparing the conference paper as per the format just visit the conference page and submit it for review. One can find the conferences at IEEE official page as per the subject or research areas.
To find the latest conferences to present or publish research papers individuals can visit ABCD Index platform. Here one can search conferences by name, subject area or field. Apart from that one can apply filters to get specific information as per requirement.