
Govt Funded Research



Scholars and researchers conduct research on various topics related to their fields. Research is a never-ending process. It continues almost all the time from the beginning of sapiens. Research on something at present time is quite easier compared to old times, in terms of resources and techniques or funds. Despite this, funding in the research field is not always easy.

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Researchers need funds for exploring resources, techniques, data, or other activities related to the research. Lack of funds or finances causes delays in research activities on various levels. Also one of the reasons that caused a lack of motivation in research fellows doing research or obtaining practical research subjects in the field of research.

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To boost motivation in research personnel from all fields and support academic research activities, the government stands out and starts providing funds for aspiring researchers from all fields. This supports scholars and other individuals who wanted to do research but lack funds for continuing their research in their respective areas.

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For young researchers govt. Organizes a national test called the national eligibility test for junior research fellows (Net JRF) to give funds and fellowships in their desired research fields. One can obtain a research fellowship or funds through this test and begin their research journey.

 Some govt agencies that funds researches are as follows:

1.  Ministry of Environment & Forests Govt of India

2.  Department of Science and Technology (DST)

3.  Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India

4.  Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)

5.  The Scientific Secretary ( BRNS),

6.  Department of Biotechnology ( DBT)

7.  Department of Food Processing Industries Govt. of India

8.  Department of Non-Conventional Energy Sources ( DNES).

9.  National Information System for Sci. & Technology ( NISSAT)

10. Technology Absorption and Adaptation Scheme ( TAAS).

11.  Department of Space (DOS)

12.  Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC)

13.  Science & Technology for Weaker Sections (STAWS).

14.  Science and Society Related Programmes

15.  Sci.& Society Division, Dept. of Sci. & Technology, Technology Bhavan,

16.  Scheme for Young Scientific professionals

17.  Science and Society-Related Programmes (STARD)

18.  Defence Research and Development Organisation( DRDO)

19.  The Director of Training and Sponsored Research,

20.  Defence R&D Organisation, Ministry of Defence,

Researchers from the science and engineering fields often seek platforms that provide all the information regarding research developments, funding, sponsorship fellowship etc. ABCD Index is one of the platforms that provide all the information related to the academic and research sector for scholars, researchers, and academicians belonging to any branch of science, engineering, mathematics, humanity, arts etc. 

The world is full of knowledge, Individuals are free to find information through other sources as well.


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