Scholars, researchers, and other academicians who desire to be a part of the research and academic world want to know all about it at once. So the primary question that arises in almost everyones mind is what are the differences between a conference and a journal paper? To do so they visit multiple platforms where they can find an appropriate answer. This blog will detail the basic difference between conference papers and journal papers.
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Apart from this, individuals who want to publish their research paper and article but are in dilemma whether to publish in a conference or a journal should know the difference between a conference paper and a research paper first. Before beginning the conference papers vs journal papers, let us firstly find out what they actually are.
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What is a conference?
A conference is a place where people with similar minds come together and share or discuss innovation, discoveries, and advancement, in their field of research. Generally, it is known as meetings where one can meet like-minded individuals from around the world. Especially new researchers, Ph.D. scholars and other academic individuals who want to explore the research world seek Conferences to publish papers, gain experience, meet experts in the field etc.
What a journal is?
A journal works as a platform where academic and research individuals publish their research work so that other people can gain knowledge and learn about the work they have done to contribute in their field of research. They are mainly of two types: national and international. A national journal publishes research papers or articles related to a particular field of research within a country whereas an international journal accepts research papers and articles worldwide.
As it is clear now what the conference and journal is. Now let's move to the next segment of the blog where basic differences between the conference and journal papers are discussed.
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Conference Papers vs Journal Papers
On the contrary there is no difference found between the conference and journal papers. Both of them required hard work, research and a good amount of patience. But we can differentiate them on the basis of publication, time, and other terms related to the same. They are as follows:
Availability - Journal papers can be available online and offline both depending on the publisher whereas conference papers are generally printed only in the proceedings of the journal; their chances of online availability are very low.
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Citation - It is seen that research papers published in a journal have a high citation rate in comparison to the conferences.
Flexibility - Any type of modification or changes can be easily done in a research paper published in a journal whereas modification in a conference paper is not possible over the time due to unavailability of the conference.
Charges - Generally journals are free. They didn't ask for fees to publish a research paper on their platform except some journals that provide fast publication whereas one has to pay to publish their work in a conference as a registration fee.
Duration - On an average it took 2-3 months to successfully publish a paper in a conference as all the conferences have a predetermined time to organize them whereas one can publish their journal paper wherever they want.
Preference - Most of the academicians and researchers prefer journals over the conferences for research paper publication due to various reasons i.e.- citation, availability, recognition, etc.