
Shipping or Delivery Policies 
ABCD Index do not provide any hard product or content or certificates. So no shipping or delivery required in any of services. To get certificate of Prime Member, Accrediation Report, Listing ABCD Index has follwing policies: 

  • Certificate or Report will be share by an email from or  to registered email-Id.  
  • Email will be send within ten working days from date of submission (payment).
  • Payee can takes print by its own, ABCD Index do not provide any amount for the print. 
  • In case digital document (Certificate / Report) email not received then, send a requesting email to or  from registered email-Idwith transaction details we make it done. 
  • If any payee request a refund email then process is on hold untill refund request cancel. 
  • In case payee get a refund then digital document (Certificate / Report) is not send by email.